Gareth Perilli

Web Developer


Who is Gareth Perilli?

Hi. This is my portfolio site I have created to show my projects and interests. I am a web developer based in Japan, self-taught to begin with, but now with a LeWagon bootcamp training in Tokyo.

My interest in web development started several years ago, and I have been working with front end Javascript for about 3 years. Audio programming, is my other interest, and this started many years ago when I studied Electronic Music in the UK.

I've done freelance work for, an American company providing SSL certificates,, an Australian e-commerce business, Lisa, a German Hi-tech services company working in the aeronautics and AI sectors, and several other small organizations.

From 2022 to 2023 I was working for Bee2B in Tokyo as a web developer. My day-to-day work there was within an international development team using mainly Rails and Vue.

Coding Skills

Tech I Know and Use











Command line




Pencil and paper!


Selected Demo Projects

TP Audio Memos: An Audio Note Taking App

A note taking app, similar to Google Keep, but with audio file handling. Features:

- Standard CRUD actions for the memos

- Audio recording with MediaStream Recording API

- server side Audio file conversion with streamio-ffmpeg

FundMe: A Donation and Subscriptions Web App

A simple stripe payments app for funding and donations. Features:

- Stripe payments and subscriptions using Redis and Sidekiq for scheduled jobs.

- Rails MVC code structure with PostgreSQL relational database management system

- i18n internationalization.

Allgore: A Database of Horror

A horror movie database, and movie list site. Allgore is a website dedicated to horror movies with hundreds of movies seeded from TMDB. Features:

- Many-to-many PostgreSQL relational database

- Large dataset seeded from the TMDB api

- Movie search functionality across various database fields

My Work And Education Background

Me, Me, Me! Credentials, Resume etc.

Gareth Perilli

Web Developer


Coding Bootcamp (2021) Lewagon Tokyo

Violino (Dip. 2018). Conservatorio di Perugia

Electronic Music (Bsc 2000). University of Hertfordshire

Professional Work

Bonjola : Freelance developer (Aug. 2023 - present). : Freelance developer (Mar. 2024 ).

Calleo : Freelance developer (Aug. 2023 ).

Lisa Engineering : Freelance front end developer (Feb. 2022 - May. 2022).

Placer-it : Freelance front end developer (Jan. 2022 - May. 2022).


Italian : Pretty fluent. C1 on the CILS CEFR test.

Japanese : Not bad. N3 on the JLPT.

Programming and Tech

Frontend web development : HTML, CSS, SVG, Javascript.

Rails Framework : RoR, Ruby, Heroku, PostgreSQL, SASS.

Other Languages : PHP.

Audio production and coding : Puredata, SonicPi, tone.js.

Professional Work

Web Apps and Professional Projects I Have Worked On