Selected Demo Projects
FundMe: A Donation and Subscriptions Web App
A simple stripe payments app for funding and donations. Features:
- Stripe payments and subscriptions using Redis and Sidekiq for scheduled jobs.
- Rails MVC code structure with PostgreSQL relational database management system
- i18n internationalization.
Allgore: A Database of Horror
A horror movie database, and movie list site. Allgore is a website dedicated to horror movies with hundreds of movies seeded from TMDB. Features:
- Many-to-many PostgreSQL relational database
- Large dataset seeded from the TMDB api
- Movie search functionality across various database fields
Kamobetracks: An Audio Design Blog
A simple audio file blog with waveform visualizations using wavesurfer.js.
- Waveform visualizations using wavesurfer.js
- Jekyll blogging framework
- regularly updated audio deisgn work
Mono: A Vocabulary Learning App
An SVG-based visual dictionary in Italian, English and Japanese. My first ever site built from scratch using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Features:
- Scalabale SVG images
- Speech playback using the Responsive Voice API
- Responsive design